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Emerson - Lake & Palmer Live At Montreux.

Emerson - Lake & Palmer Live At Montreux

Fecha: 2014-12-30

Tamaño: 5,86 GB


Descripción: 1. Introduction by Claude Nobs
2. Karnevil 9 ΓΓé¼ΓÇ£ 1st Impression, Part 2
3. Tiger In The Spotlight
4. Hoedown
5. Touch And Go
6. From The Beginning
7. Knife Edge
8. Bitches Crystal
9. Dance Creole
10. Honky Tonk Train Blues
11. Take A Pebble
12. Lucky Man
13. Tarkus/Pictures At An Exhibition
14. Medley:
- Fanfare For The Common Man
- Rondo
- Carmina Burana
- Carl Palmer: Drum Solo
- Toccata In D Minor

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